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Fox Fire - Tutorial



Tutorial For [link]

This picture is no way connected to the web-browser Fire Fox, its not for Fire Fox, I did not get inspired by it, and it doesn't look like anything like it. If I hear anything about the stupid web browser I will scream, and curse lots.

*uses the firefox browser though* Its very awesome I say^^
but no relation to the pic!!

Now that thats said and done!

It'll probably take a little while to load :/ its kind of a big file. Hopefully its not too confusing to understand^^ if you have any questions at all Don't hesitate to note me, or email me...or whatever.

enjoy! :D

-I don't really give a damn if this tutorial 'wasn't funny like my last ones' this was one to teach, not to amuse. (plus with a tutorial like this one there was little room to make it funny.)

Yet another edit
-The font I used is called AvQuest
- No I'm not going to give you the brushes I used, my computer got re-vamped and I no longer have them :(

DOUBLE EDIT Click DOWNLOAD to view the tutorial!!
Image size
900x11000px 2.01 MB
© 2005 - 2024 Ashwings
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XxTwinklefox's avatar
x3 if it was a book cover it's gonna stand out X3 I love it!